Thursday, November 29, 2007

2008 Resolutions

1. Pass the Bar
2. Job making at least $50,000
3. Home Owner
4. Stronger Relationship with God
5. On road to marriage

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Quick money

Ok, so the job search is sllllooooowwwwllllly trumping along and the bank accounts are EMPTY! I'm trying to make some side money, or I guess in my situation- Money in general. Any ideas?

So far I have :


Friday, October 19, 2007

Need diapers at a discount?

If you go to, you can get $5 off using coupon code :TIBR1939.
If you order $50 worth of diapers, you also get free shipping! For a new mommy like me, this is a hookup!

Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

I took notes from this book and I hope that it will help those who want to read this book but may not have the time:

Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Deepak Chopra

· The Law of Pure Potentiality

o In our essential state, we are pure consciousness

o Realize the power of Self à No fear, no compulsion to control, and no struggle for approval or external power

§ Ego based power only lasts as long as the objects that propel ego are there.

o Daily practice of silence, meditation and non judgement

§ Silence- Just BE

· Commune with nature and take time to appreciate it

§ Meditation- at lest 30 min in AM and PM

· “Be still and know that I am God.”

§ Non- Judgment

· “Today I shall judge nothing that occurs”

o All relationship is a reflection of your relationship with yourself

· The Law of Giving

o You must give and receive in order to keep the things you want circulating in life- Caring, affection, appreciation, and love

§ The intention behind your giving and receiving is most important. The intention should always be to create happiness

o Wherever you go and whoever you encounter, take a gift with you (card, flower, prayer, compliment)

o Gratefully receive all the gifts that life has to offer you

· The Law of “Karma”

o Act of conscious choice making

§ For any choice ask:

· What are the consequences of this choice I am making?

· Will this choice bring happiness to me and those around me?

§ Listen to your body: comfort vs discomfort

· What does your heart say? If comfortable plunge ahead. If not, pause and see consequences of action with inner vision.

o How to handle past Karma

§ Pay your karmic debts

§ Transmute of transform your karma to a more desirable experience

· What can I learn from this experience? Why is this happening? What can I teach to fellow humans?

§ Transcend it. Become independent of it.

· The Law of Least Effort

o “do less and accomplish more”- Vedic science

o Actions must be motivated by love

o Acceptance

§ “Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they occur”

o Responsibility

§ Not blaming anyone or anything for your situation: including yourself

o Defenselessness

§ Relinquish the need to convince or persuade others of your point of view.

o “The past is history, the future is a mystery, and this moment is a gift; which is why it is called a present.

· The Law of Intention and Desire

o Attention

§ Energizes. What you put attention on will grow stronger in your life

o Intention transforms. Must be used for the benefit of mankind

§ Intent is desire w/o the attachment

o Your intent is for the future but your attention is for the present

o Accept the present and intend the future

o Follow these steps

§ Slip into the gap. Center yourself in the silence space between thoughts

§ While in that state of being, release your intentions and desires. While in the gap there should be no thought, no intention but as you come out you introduce your intention.

· If you have a series of goals, write them down and have your intent focused on them before you go into the gap. Release them

§ Remain in state of self- referral. Do not share your desires with others. Don’t look at yourself through eyes of the world or be influenced by criticisms or opinions of others.

§ Relinquish your attachment to the outcome. Live in the wisdom of uncertainty

§ Let the universe handle the details. If things don’t go your way, trust the God has a plan much grander than those you can even conceive

· The Law of Detachment

o In order to acquire anything, you must relinquish your attachment to it

o Step into the unknown

o Every single problem in life is the seed of an opportunity for some greater benefit

o Do not impose my idea of how things should be. Do not force solutions on problems

· The Law of “Dharma” or purpose in life

o Everyone has a reason that they are here and we must find this out ourselves. I have a unique talent that I do better than anyone else in the whole world. I must use these talents to fulfill needs of those in need

o How can I help? NEVER “What’s in it for me?”

o Write: If money was no issue and I had all the time and money in the world what would I do? How am I best suited to serve humanity?


  1. Happiness
  2. Position to manage and supervise
  3. Be a provider for family, children, and heirs.
  4. I want to be in a Marriage that is happy, loving, faithful, rewarding, and reciprocal
  5. Positive self image
  6. $500,000 savings by 2023
  7. Greater awareness of things around me and in decisions I make
  8. I want to work in a job that I love that will allow me to be financially independent and to help others
  9. I want to be a good mother
  10. I want to be free
  11. I want to have a relationship with God that will allow me to seek his face and live according to what his word says
  12. Live life freely and responsibly
  13. Travel to different parts of the world and expose my family and friends to the same
  14. Live according to the standards of God. Not caring about how others view me
  15. Pass the bar

It's Ok

This has been the roughest time in my 25 years on earth!!!!!!!! I have reached the lowest point where I felt like taking myself out and I have experienced the greatest point as well. I read Deepak Chopra's "Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" and all I can say is wow!
I celebrated my birthday essentially under the covers and on my face feeling like an absolute failure and waste of resources. I have been struggling with unemployment, broken relationships, rejection, and a hollow emptiness. I quickly became bitter and upset with God about the series of disappointing events that have occured within these few months. I felt alone, upset, bambozzled, and MAD!!!
But Thank God for mercy and grace! I read Chopra's book and felt spiritually renewed. This book literally had me running to my Bible and seeking forgiveness and a quelling of an immediate hunger for God's word. Seems a little backwards I know but I literally can't explain it.
I was at my absolute lowest point and even though my situation in the physical world had not changed, my mental and spiritual world completely flip flopped! I am loved by God and he does have a plan greater for me. I have not produced income in over 5 months, and I am still blessed. Although I do have over $60k in student loans to pay back (I'm sure they'll be knocking next month), I have been blessed to not have credit. Yes, blessed. I have only one credit card whose $500 limit was maxed long ago, I have been living off the prayers and seeds of those who love me and understand that I am not in this situation of my own will, but because God has predestined me for a greater calling I must go through this season to be grateful and understanding of it. I know it sounds cliche but unless you have sat where I sat, you couldn't understand.
When you have nothing, God allows you to see the beauty in life through things that truly matter. The smile on my son's face, you feel joy when you cook a meal that others appreciate, you wrap yourself in the scents of the wind, and the beauty of nature. I am happy because I am. Yes, I have my days when I slip and feel sad, but I bounce back because I know that however long this lasts, it won't be forever.
I am learning to trust God and depend on him. I must say that this is a lesson that I thought I learned many years ago, but he had to put me in a place where I literally have NO ONE else to depend on! I thank Him for this transformation, for this season, for this new vision.
My situation is OK for me. It's a tight place, and its a very uncomfortable place, but it's OK. I have seen the vision of my future and it can't stay this way for long. It's OK.

Monday, October 8, 2007


Ok, so I love the Lord and I believe everything he tells me- both in my heart and in the Bible.
The past few months have been extremely difficult for me, but not in an unbearable-i -just- want- to-crawl- under- a- rock- and- die way. Well, some days I felt like doing that, but it may have just been my dramatic inner self coming out.

I've been jobless since May, I did not pass the bar, my job efforts have seemed fruitless and income/loans/etc trickles in. Although extremely frustrating, I know that it's a matter of time before my season changes and things work in my favor. Besides when you call your blog "Womp Womp" and make it a mission to tell life to keep it moving, you can't really get too down about stuff like this. The biggest issue has been dealing with others who don't respect my current position in life. It's very easy for people to think I'm not applying myself or am being lazy, but non believers don't understand that when God puts you somewhere or sets a circumstance up for you, there is really nothing you can do about.

Putting in 100 applications, going on 100 interviews, or whatever other routes you may chose to venture down will all turn up fruitless when it's not in the plan of God. This is an extremely difficult thing to understand, I sometimes straddle the fence when trying to understand what it actually means. God is putting me in a period of isolation and unemployment to teach me something. Not sure what it is, but there are some things I have gathered from it.

1. Saving
2. Not being judgemental
3. Understand that pride is dangerous and humility is a gem
4. REALLY understanding what it means when he says he will supply your every need
5. Not putting trust or faith in man
6. Realizing what's really important in life and loving those whose heart embodies those things
7. Growing is sometimes painful.
8. Life is 3-D. There are actually 3 sides to every story and situation. Being able to see all 3 before criticizing is a gift.
9. I love my family and friends!!!!!

This is truly a learning experience for me and I am truly grateful for it. I hope I get the lesson this time so I don't have to repeat it EVER again, but in the meantime, RESPECT MY SEASON!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Go figure

Lawyer Pay

Law School Secret: Bad Job Market

Posted Sep 24, 2007, 06:04 am CDT
By Debra Cassens Weiss

The job market is tough for many recent law grads, who are pointing their fingers at law schools for failing to warn them about their dim prospects.

Top pay for new associates at the big law firms is $160,000, but most beginning lawyers make far less at the same time they are paying off tuition loans as high as $100,000 or more, the Wall Street Journal reports (sub. req.). Some newly minted lawyers are taking temporary attorney jobs that pay only $20 an hour.

Law professor Richard Sander of the University of California at Los Angeles told the newspaper that incoming law students are "mesmerized by what's happening in big firms, but clueless about what's going on in the bottom half of the profession."

Critics argue that law school job surveys are misleading. Tulane University, for example, found in a survey that its graduates entering the job market in 2005 took home median pay of $135,000. But the number is based only on the 24 percent of its grads who completed the survey—likely to be the top students, Tulane says.

Tulane's latest survey shows average new pay for its grads to be of $96,356, but the school's Web site does not reveal what percentage filled out the questionnaire.

Salaries are depressed because of a big influx of lawyers into a slowly growing legal market, which is expanding less than half as fast as the general economy. Almost 44,000 students graduated from law schools in 2005-06, an increase of nearly 6,000 since 2001-02.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Pre Term Labor

Ok, so I took the Bar exam in July and didn't past. I was absolutely DEVASTATED!!! It was almost as if there was a mistake because I was absolutely sure that through prayer, fasting, and a strong belief in God that I was going to pass. Not too mention the two months of studying like a maniac!

I really felt like my life was over... or at least at a temporary standstill and couldn't fathom what I was going to do next. My emotions ranged from shock, sadness, anger, feeling betrayed, and then depression-- all in a matter of hours. But thank God for grandmothers, particularly one with a "womp womp" spirit like mines! My grandma told me " I will not tell you don't cry and not to feel But tomorrow you need to get up and make a plan. Baby, I want you to plan to work and work your plan!"

Seems coldhearted, I know, but really. What was I going to do? Cry until Feb comes? I don't think so.

So I did just that. I wiped my face off, told God thank you for this new test in my life and set forth to achieve my goal...

Ha ha, that sounded right, but then I realized that I don;t even have a plan. I don't really have any short term goals and my long term goals don't seem to be providing me with much of a road map.

I'm going through pre term labor and I'm not sure if I'm the fetus or the vessel. I feel like I'm ready to step out into the big, big world and stamp my mark of approval and change on every object within my destiny. But then again I feel like "Am I really ready for this?" Yes, I've graduated and yes I am of professional sound mind and body, but mentally am I ready? Do I realize what I am about to embark on? Do I possess the humility and clarity to undertake the real world? " Only God knows for sure, but I pray the next big step, the next big thing, the next leap of faith I undertake is my birthing day.

Womp Womp

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Beaten but still beautiful

Ok, so I'm officially venturing into BlogLand, which is something I said I would NEVER do!

Why the change you ask? Well, mainly because I'm going through some things right now and don't really have anybody to share it with, or at least nobody that I care to share it with. Sooooo I guess spiling my guts to millions of people in cyberland is the better option. Hey, at least I am protected by the uncompromising wall of security that the internet provides, right?

My life in a nutshell can be summed up in pretty much two words "Womp Womp." Basically, that means "Keep it moving." For all those Showtime at the Apollo watchers, you know when the audience screams "Womp, womp" the Sandman is about to come out and bring out the next act.

That's me.

Not the lame-o on the stage, but the person in the audience who is just trying to have a good time and be happy. When the BS comes, I say "Womp, Womp!"- Keep it moving, Next!

Disappointment has been abundant these past few months- No job, just failed the bar, family issues, depression, etc.... Womp Womp!